Getting Started - Reseting router to factory default settings
Hello everyone,
First piece of advice: "It doesn't matter if your hardware is either old or new, always do a reset to default factory settings."
It is amazing how often people forget about that and start setting up on top of someone's else config. Not really a big deal for routers, switches, etc; But imagine if we were talking about a pre-install computer, bought used, and that computer have a keystroke capture software??? Thats my point.
In my case, m router came with a password, that I didn't have, and I end up having to first reset the password and then resetting the router. I promise talk about resetting password next post.
This are the steps to reset a cisco router to factory default settings:
In order to perform the procedures described in this document, you must have "enable" (also known as "privileged EXEC") access on the router. At the prompt (HOSTNAME>) type: enable. This should change the prompt to (HOSTNAME#). This is the privileged EXEC mode.
This method uses the config-register 0x2102 command in global configuration mode.
First piece of advice: "It doesn't matter if your hardware is either old or new, always do a reset to default factory settings."
It is amazing how often people forget about that and start setting up on top of someone's else config. Not really a big deal for routers, switches, etc; But imagine if we were talking about a pre-install computer, bought used, and that computer have a keystroke capture software??? Thats my point.
In my case, m router came with a password, that I didn't have, and I end up having to first reset the password and then resetting the router. I promise talk about resetting password next post.
This are the steps to reset a cisco router to factory default settings:
In order to perform the procedures described in this document, you must have "enable" (also known as "privileged EXEC") access on the router. At the prompt (HOSTNAME>) type: enable. This should change the prompt to (HOSTNAME#). This is the privileged EXEC mode.
This method uses the config-register 0x2102 command in global configuration mode.
- Check the configuration register on the router by issuing the show versioncommand.
The configuration register setting is displayed in the last line of the show versioncommand output and should be set to 0x2102. If this is not the case, enter theconfig-register 0x2102 command once in global configuration mode.router#configure terminal router(config)#config-register 0x2102 router(config)#end router#
- Erase the current start-up configuration on the router with the write erasecommand.
- Reload the router with the reload command. When prompted to save the configuration, DO NOT save.
router#reload System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: n Proceed with reload? [confirm]
--- System Configuration Dialog --- Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
I still not sure what all this information means but this is my boot sequence post. Lets see hows that change inthe future.
Just for reference:
System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
TAC:Home:SW:IOS:Specials for info
C2600 platform with 49152 Kbytes of main memory
program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0xa14d18
Self decompressing the image : #################################################
############ [OK]
Smart Init is enabled
smart init is sizing iomem
000091 0X00092280 C2600 single Ethernet
0X000F34A8 public buffer pools
0X00211000 public particle pools
TOTAL: 0X00396728
If any of the above Memory Requirements are
"UNKNOWN", you may be using an unsupported
configuration or there is a software problem and
system operation may be compromised.
Rounded IOMEM up to: 4Mb.
Using 8 percent iomem. [4Mb/48Mb]
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.2(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02-Jun-01 21:34 by ccai
Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x8118A888
cisco 2610 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x203) with 45056K/4096K bytes of memory
Processor board ID JAD05041DHP (2490488548)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
voice-port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
output attenuation 0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
timeouts wait-release 3
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
description "FXO 732-818-1089"
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id name rtr40013-1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id number 7328181089
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
voice-port 1/0/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
output attenuation 0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
timeouts wait-release 3
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
description "FXO 732-818-1089"
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id name rtr40013-1/0/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id number 7328181089
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
voice-port 1/1/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
input gain -6
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
voice-port 1/1/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
input gain -6
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Press RETURN to get started!
00:00:29: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0/0, changed state to up
00:00:30: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0/0, changed s
tate to up
00:00:39: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by consoletdm_eadi_post_config
s: TDM Backplane not enabled
00:00:41: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.2(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02-Jun-01 21:34 by ccai
Just for reference:
System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
TAC:Home:SW:IOS:Specials for info
C2600 platform with 49152 Kbytes of main memory
program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0xa14d18
Self decompressing the image : #################################################
############ [OK]
Smart Init is enabled
smart init is sizing iomem
000091 0X00092280 C2600 single Ethernet
0X000F34A8 public buffer pools
0X00211000 public particle pools
TOTAL: 0X00396728
If any of the above Memory Requirements are
"UNKNOWN", you may be using an unsupported
configuration or there is a software problem and
system operation may be compromised.
Rounded IOMEM up to: 4Mb.
Using 8 percent iomem. [4Mb/48Mb]
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.2(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02-Jun-01 21:34 by ccai
Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x8118A888
cisco 2610 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x203) with 45056K/4096K bytes of memory
Processor board ID JAD05041DHP (2490488548)
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
voice-port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
output attenuation 0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
timeouts wait-release 3
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
description "FXO 732-818-1089"
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id name rtr40013-1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id number 7328181089
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
voice-port 1/0/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
output attenuation 0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
timeouts wait-release 3
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
description "FXO 732-818-1089"
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id name rtr40013-1/0/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
station-id number 7328181089
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
voice-port 1/1/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
input gain -6
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
voice-port 1/1/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
input gain -6
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/1/1
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
port 1/0/0
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Press RETURN to get started!
00:00:29: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0/0, changed state to up
00:00:30: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0/0, changed s
tate to up
00:00:39: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by consoletdm_eadi_post_config
s: TDM Backplane not enabled
00:00:41: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.2(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 02-Jun-01 21:34 by ccai
Getting Started - Making the connection
Hello everybody,
As you all know already, my idea here is to document and share my experience with my cisco 2610. Eventually I might look for a CCENT / CCNA but now I just want to get familiar and be able to configure and troubleshoot my "toy".
Last time I wast telling how to build the console cable, now its time to hookup to the computer and fire up.
When you get your router, you will probably first connect to it via console serial connection. This connection is made possible by an RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable (it's a light blue CAT5-ish cable), an RJ-45 to serial connector, and a PC equipped with HyperTerminal. To connect the rollover cable to the router, follow these steps:
Once all of the cables are connected, you need to set up HyperTerminal, which can be found (in Windows 2000) by selecting Programs | Accessories | Communication. When you first start HyperTerminal, you will have to configure it in order to connect to the router. To configure HyperTerminal, select File | Properties and you will see the Properties page shown in Figure A.
In our example, we are going to configure COM1, so we'll select COM1 from the Connect Using drop-down menu and then click Configure. The COM1 Properties page is shown inFigure B.
In order to connect to your Cisco router, you will need to verify that the options are configured as they were in Figure A. Once you've verified the changes, click Connect, which is the left button shown in Figure C, and then press [Enter].
Now when I turn my router on, with HyperTerminal setup and open, this is what I got:
System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
TAC:Home:SW:IOS:Specials for info
C2600 platform with 49152 Kbytes of main memory
program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0xa14d18
Self decompressing the image : #################################################
There are more but I just would like to show what to expect if you did everything right.
As you all know already, my idea here is to document and share my experience with my cisco 2610. Eventually I might look for a CCENT / CCNA but now I just want to get familiar and be able to configure and troubleshoot my "toy".
Last time I wast telling how to build the console cable, now its time to hookup to the computer and fire up.
When you get your router, you will probably first connect to it via console serial connection. This connection is made possible by an RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable (it's a light blue CAT5-ish cable), an RJ-45 to serial connector, and a PC equipped with HyperTerminal. To connect the rollover cable to the router, follow these steps:
- Locate the jack with the circled blue "console" label.
- Attatch the RJ45 on the console connector.
- Plug the serial adapter into the designated PC.
Once all of the cables are connected, you need to set up HyperTerminal, which can be found (in Windows 2000) by selecting Programs | Accessories | Communication. When you first start HyperTerminal, you will have to configure it in order to connect to the router. To configure HyperTerminal, select File | Properties and you will see the Properties page shown in Figure A.
Figure A |
In HyperTerminal, the Properties page allows you to choose the connection to configure. |
In our example, we are going to configure COM1, so we'll select COM1 from the Connect Using drop-down menu and then click Configure. The COM1 Properties page is shown inFigure B.
Figure B |
The COM1 Properties page allows you to configure the Bits Per Second, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control. |
In order to connect to your Cisco router, you will need to verify that the options are configured as they were in Figure A. Once you've verified the changes, click Connect, which is the left button shown in Figure C, and then press [Enter].
Figure C | ||
The HyperTerminal button bar contains the Connect and Disconnect buttons. |
Now when I turn my router on, with HyperTerminal setup and open, this is what I got:
System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
TAC:Home:SW:IOS:Specials for info
C2600 platform with 49152 Kbytes of main memory
program load complete, entry point: 0x80008000, size: 0xa14d18
Self decompressing the image : #################################################
There are more but I just would like to show what to expect if you did everything right.
Before you can do anything with the router, we first need to get access to it.
Console cable is a cable which has an RJ45 connector at one end (to connect to your Cisco devices) and serial connector at the other end (to connect to your PC).). If you, like me, bought a used router you mostly probably have this cable, and even tough its easy to buy one online: i.e.ebay, they are cheap and you should have no problem with it.
Right now Im looking for "instant gratification" so because I dont have the patience to wait I decide to build my own cable. Looking around the Internet I found lots of information but most of then arent as easy to understand as I was expecting. Many sites have some complex contraptions: crossover cables, adapters, adpters for adapters, etc. I was looking for something simple: One cable, RJ45 in one end and a DB9 on the other.
So, here my set of instructions about how to build one.
First we start with the parts:
Lets start crimping the RJ45 connector. I personally use TIA/EIA 568A wiring diagram to all my cables, so I will continue doing so:
With one side of the cable done lets start the DB9 connection. The following diagram shows how each cable, by color, should be connected:
The Blue/White and Blue must both connect to pin 5 on the DB9. Pins 1 and 9 are not connected.
Once the cable its done, here's how you connect the cable:
Thats it for now.
Console cable is a cable which has an RJ45 connector at one end (to connect to your Cisco devices) and serial connector at the other end (to connect to your PC).). If you, like me, bought a used router you mostly probably have this cable, and even tough its easy to buy one online: i.e.ebay, they are cheap and you should have no problem with it.
Right now Im looking for "instant gratification" so because I dont have the patience to wait I decide to build my own cable. Looking around the Internet I found lots of information but most of then arent as easy to understand as I was expecting. Many sites have some complex contraptions: crossover cables, adapters, adpters for adapters, etc. I was looking for something simple: One cable, RJ45 in one end and a DB9 on the other.
So, here my set of instructions about how to build one.
First we start with the parts:
- Cat5E cable (mine have 6ft.);
- 1 RJ45 Connector;
- 1 DB9 Connector;
- Crimp tool;
- Soldering Iron.
Lets start crimping the RJ45 connector. I personally use TIA/EIA 568A wiring diagram to all my cables, so I will continue doing so:
With one side of the cable done lets start the DB9 connection. The following diagram shows how each cable, by color, should be connected:
Cat5 | DB9 Pin |
Green-White | 8 |
Green | 6 |
Orange-White | 2 |
Blue | 5 |
Blue-White | 5 |
Orange | 3 |
Brown-White | 4 |
Brown | 7 |
The Blue/White and Blue must both connect to pin 5 on the DB9. Pins 1 and 9 are not connected.
Once the cable its done, here's how you connect the cable:
Thats it for now.

Well, let's start with the very beginning. Let's see how the Cisco 2610 looks like.
Here's the specs:
Cisco 2610 Ethernet Router specifications
- General
- Device Type Router
- Form Factor Rack-mountable - Modular
- Installed Modules Qty (Max) 0.0 (installed) / 4.0 (max)
- Width 17.5 in
- Depth 11.8 in
- Height 1.7 in
- Weight 10.4 lbs
- Processor
- Type 1.0 x Motorola MPC860 40.0 MHz
- Max Supported Qty 1.0
- Memory
- RAM 128.0 MB (installed) / 256.0 MB (max)
- Flash Memory 32.0 MB (installed) / 48.0 MB (max)
- Networking
- Data Transfer Rate 10.0 Mbps
- Connectivity Technology Wired
- Data Link Protocol Ethernet
- Network / Transport Protocol AppleTalk , TCP/IP , UDP/IP , SNA , IP/IPX
- Remote Management Protocol RMON
- Routing Protocol OSPF , BGP
- Features Manageable , NAT support , Modular design
- Compliant Standards IEEE 802.3
- Communications
- Type None
- Expansion / Connectivity
- Expansion Bays Total (Free) None
- Expansion Slots Total (Free) 1.0 ( 0.0 ) x Expansion slot , 4.0 ( 4.0 ) x Memory , 2.0 ( 1.0 ) x Memory
- Interfaces 1.0 x Network - Auxiliary - RJ-45 - 1.0 , 1.0 x Management - Ethernet 10Base-T - RJ-45 - 1.0 , 1.0 x Network - Console - RJ-45 - 1.0
- Compatible Slots None
- Connections None
- Miscellaneous
- Rack Mounting Kit Included
- Cables (Details) 2.0 x Network cable , Data cable
- Compliant Standards VCCI , UL , FCC Class A certified
- Authentication Method RADIUS
- Power
- Power Device Power supply - redundant - Internal
- Software / System Requirements
- OS Provided Cisco IOS
- Environmental Parameters
- Min Operating Temperature 32.0 °F
- Max Operating Temperature 104.0 °F
- Humidity Range Operating 5 - 95%
This information came from the Cisco Website, pretty much straight forward.
This is my router. Right now its a stock router, that means no additional cards. The plan here will show what can we do now and expand the routers capabilities along the way. I bougtht mine from Craigslist but you can find on eBay as well. They are pretty inexpensive these days.